As an update regarding Bucknell, it is currently likely that a team will go
to the TRASH tournament but very unlikely that we will be attending the
freshman/sophomore tournament. I was interested in knowing what your game
official situation is going to be for the trash tourney. Unlike the team
members, I will be a few hours drive away on Sunday, so I'm hesitant to go
unless staffing is going to be a concern. Thanks.
Alex Richman
At 05:46 AM 10/2/2002 +0000, you wrote:
>Just a quick reminder out there for everyone about the Delaware "Duel
>Tournament Weekend".
>On October 19th, our annual freshman/sophomore tournament, Baby Hen
>III: Who let the chicks out, will take place. This
>tournament features questions from NAQT, so no packet submission is
>On October 20th, we will be hosting TRASH Mid-Atlantic Junior Bird
>tournament. This tournament will be using questions from
>the TRASH mad men & women, so again, no packet submission is required.
>For prices & registration, go to
>David Balseiro
>Univ of Del
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]