On the heels of Raj's announcement about CCXIII, Stanford is pleased to announce its (soon-to-be) annual high school tournament.
It will take place on November 9, 2002, and we'll be using NAQT questions. Registration will begin at around 8:30 AM, and we'll start by 9:30 (hopefully).
Fees are as follows:
Base price: $85
Buzzers: -$5
Timers: -$5
First additional team from same school: -$10
Second additional team: -$20
Please send me an email at wlue_at_... (or WLGades_at_...) if you would like to participate.
In addition, feel free to forward this email on to anyone you think might be interested.
Waynn Lue
Stanford College Bowl President
PS: Apologies to those that I managed to email twice--there probably was crossover between the two lists I had.