Dave, I hate to hear that about your salary vs. Bob Stoops's salary... Oklahoma is just like Arkansas in that respect: athletics first, academics second. Chancellors and athletic directors might think different, but let's face facts... you're in Big XII, we're in SEC... hehe Heck, last year we (actually, they, as I was not on the team yet) appealed to our RSO organizers for money and got something like $100 (laughable). What's not laughable is the fact that the Ultimate Frisbee team (or something equally absurd) stepped up and demanded more money, and the organizers took *our* $100 to give to them. So, that's our money situation. And being in a geographically isolated region (2 hrs. from nearest medium hub airport, 6 hours from nearest large hub airport, and 3.5 hours from nearest established college program) and in one relatively isolated corner of the state, it's not a cakewalk to host successful tourneys and raise money. Definitely not 100 teams deep like Texas A&M. Like Dave said, when most tourneys are not within driving range, it's a stress to travel for teams in south and west and southwest. Thus, I propose that all national tournaments from now on be hosted either at Kansas State University (closest to Lebanon, KS, the geographic center of contiguous U.S.) or University of Missouri at Rolla (closest to Edgar Springs, MO, the population center of the U.S.) Either way, this setup would shorten the driving time considerably for teams in our region. Josh (not speaking on behalf of Arkansas Quiz Bowl, but should someone have to say that every time he or she posts?)
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