> But this brings up an important issue with the opposite end of the ICT
> schedule, for teams travelling in the opposite direction. I don't
> recall seeing this addressed before when the ICT was held on the east
> coast. The problem is that the ICT always begins at 5:00 p.m. on
> Friday. How does a west coast team get to Boston University or UNC by
> 5:00 p.m. Eastern time on Friday? Someone correct me if I'm wrong,
> but I believe all of the west coast teams had to leave on *Thursday*
> in order to get to those ICTs in time. Not only did people have to
> take Friday off, but they also had to spend much of Thursday
> traveling, or else take the Thursday night red-eye and arrive
> sleep-deprived.
You're completely correct. For both ICT 01 and 02, we left on
Thursday. For both ICTs, we flew out of Seattle to save costs, hence
left Vancouver at 6am. Yes, thats 6am Thursday. It took us 14 hours
to get to Chapel Hill.
A program that wants to travel to ICT badly enough will find a way to
make it more affordable.