"2. Since this is significantly outside the realm of prior
expectations, I think it's prudent of the QB community at large to
at least raise an eyebrow and ask why they chose this location. I,
for one, am genuinely curious, and do not ask with any prejudice for
or against the idea. I know many others feel the same way."
If you're curious, UGA also submitted a bid to host the HS
tournament. As a matter of fact, I want to say that Athens and Mytle
Beach were the only two bids (at least that I know of). I dont know
the reasons why (and I really dont mind, either), but when I look at
the convention center, I cannot see how it will be pulled off. I
mean, by that time, our new student learning center, a monstrosity
with something like 60 classrooms and 20 lecture halls, will be
completed. Oh well.... there's always the TRASH bid.