As we do every year, UTC humbly solicits your help in assembling
questions for TrashMasters. First and foremost, we need freelance
questions and will offer full tournament sets in exchange for the
equivalent of one packet (25 tossups, 25 boni.)
We can either take complete packets, or we can take unbalanced
submissions (the questions being unbalanced, that is, not necessarily
the authors, though that might help too.) If you are interested,
contact me at steinhic_at_... and I'll get you packet specs; if
you wish to go the unbalanced route, email me with a list of general
subject areas you'd be comfortable writing in.
But wait -- there's more!
In light of the ongoing discussion regarding question quality, I'll
also entertain offers from any experienced trash players not
planning to attend TrashMasters who would be willing to serve as extra
sets of eyes, proofing and editing questions. Again, we'll pay you in
packets; again, e-mail me at steinhic_at_... if you're
interested. If you're only comfortable reviewing certain topics, let
me know.