The University of Montana- Billings would like to announce the first annual Exclusion of Successful Players (ESP) tournament. In light of recent desires to develop the circuit for those who "can't quite cut it" with quality players at the tournament, this invitational will feature the worst of the worst teams. We're quite confident that there will be no 500-5 games here, so the following rules are hereby applied: 1.) No good teams. Michigan Chicago Florida Harvard Kentucky Virginia don't try and register guys, you're just too high quality. We wouldn't want a competitive atmosphere at this tournament that these quality teams would bring. Anyone who won an NAQT, ACF, or CBI regional last year, don't bother with us fellows, we don't want it. The flowering Montana/Dakota area circuit would be totally trashed if we let you guys in, and non- top tier teams would be embarrassed. 2.) No "dinosaurs" Thats right, no grad students who spend years upon years playing this game. We don't care if you still only get 20ppg, you're out. Therefore anyone with a college degree is toast, we don't want you here. Heck anyone beyond four years can't play here, you have too much experience and might play well enough to smack other teams around in an embarrassing fashion. Umm, make that three years. Two years. First years only. First tournaments only, yes that's how we'll solve the problem of people who have experience on the circuit creating all those pesky problems by actually answering tossups correctly early in a question. So remember- no "dinosaurs", grad student, iguanadon, or otherwise. The tournament will be question submission and edited by the worst editors in the world. This will help to curtail the "arms race" in question writing. Remember to keep it easy here folks, heck, "FTP, breathe." is an acceptable tossup. We don't want these newbies to actually go and be motivated by a tournament, we want to give them a bunch of warm fuzzies just for showing up. We hope to all see you guys in Billings this spring. The tournament is the first step in developing the area circuit that I'm sure will take another great leap forward when NAQT accepts our bid to host the 2004 ICT.
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