I don't have a whole lot of time to spend on this debate with my
editing chores continuing to loom, but I would like to point out two
things I've noticed about the packets I've received for the ACF Fall
Tournament. 1) The vast majority of packets containing appropriately
accessible questions have been submitted by veteran teams; 2) Without
fail, the packets which have been too hard to use have been submitted
by young teams. Several people have made the point already, but it
bears repeating that most of the veteran players I know are trying to
convince others to help lower the difficulty on the circuit.
On a closely related note, if you are a young team and want to
play on quality questions which are still readily accessible to
people new to the circuit, come to ACF Fall; there is still plenty of
time to enter the site near you.
Kelly McKenzie,
Speaking only for me and Carrot Top