> For the second time, NO, that was not our team last year. That was
the champion of the intramural sponsored by KU Student Union
Activities. There was no established team at KU prior to this school
> Congrats on the win at OU.
Considering that it's been only a few weeks since you were asking us
for help in structuring a budget, you guys have certainly hit the
ground running. I don't follow Quiz Bowl with the same passion that
Jason does (actually, I don't think there's anyone on the planet that
follows Quiz Bowl with the same passion that Jason does), but I know
that at both Route 66 and this weekend at GIT, you guys took down
some pretty good programs.
I'm thrilled that you guys are on the scene, as another strong
program in the Midwest will force all of us to improve.
Mark Richey
Treasurer, MU College Bowl
(speaking for myself and not MUCB yada yada yada)