Thanks to the teams that came out to play last Saturday. As I
mentioned, Michigan won over VCU on a tiebreaker tossup in the
finals. Top scorer was Matt Weiner, with 116 PPG. He won a Barrel O'
Monkeys keychain. The next two were our own guys, so they didn't
receive prizes. Adam Fine was next, with 45.38 PPG. He will be
receiving a yo-yo at some point. Paul Litvak was the neg king, with
all of 20.
Team standings for all games were as follows:
Team Standings:
Team W L Pct
Michigan 11 3 0.786
VCU 11 3 0.786
Cornell 9 4 0.692
Rochester 9 4 0.692
Maryland 8 5 0.615
CWRU B 8 5 0.615
CWRU A 6 7 0.462
CMU 3 9 0.25
Pitt A 3 10 0.231
Pitt B 2 10 0.167
BW 0 10 0
Individual stats will follow.