Did you like that round Nick? I graduated last year and several players asked us if we could possibly construct a High School trash tournament. I'm at Georgia Tech right now, the guy that wrote the bulk of that round is at Alabama, another player is at Ole Miss and two others are at UNA. If we could get enough interest in high school, then perhaps we would consider it. On another note, how is Bob Jones this year? Russellville is as strong as they have been in years passed and looks to still have that talent in years to come. -Josh Clanton Nick Bendler <asim_at_...> wrote:As a high school player ACF would almost be more welcome, since packet submission might teach people here (here being Alabama) that questions are allowed to have more than two clues. (Speaking of which, are there any good HS packets out there? We're trying to get ready for Vandy and we have a serious lack of what people on this board would probably consider "real" questions, which means that some members of my team get impatient when they don't have the giveaway 5 words into the clue.) I could elaborate about the high school thing here, but moving on to....TRASH! I've played one entire TRASH round in my life, and that was at Russellville tournament last year. (Some of you may have heard of them, they're the only school here that really goes out of state a lot, and they always have a tendency to be really good.) But anyway, they wrote a pretty good trash round, even if it did have a lot of wrestling questions. I think, though, that TRASH could be done in high school, and I would have certainly done it if it had existed before my upcoming graduation. --Nick Bendler Bob Jones High School (no, not *that* Bob Jones) ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jason Mueller" <jcmpn7_at_...> To: <quizbowl_at_yahoogroups.com> Sent: Monday, November 04, 2002 10:38 PM Subject: [quizbowl] ACF and TRASH expansion | Greetings all. | | NAQT has a high school tourney and CBI has a high school program. | Why not ACF and TRASH? | | ACF, with the fall tournament, is reaching out to young college | players, why not take the next logical step and go to high school? | Starting in 2004, ACF can have regional tournaments in February or | March and have a national tournament in May or June. The questions | would be written by generous college players the first couple of | years (I volunteer to be editor in 2004) and go to high school packet | submission in 2006. Surely the high school game will progress enough | to make ACF High feasible. I'm sure the Michigan schools and the | other powerhouse high schools would welcome the challenge. | | Also, TRASH has recently ventured into the land of the junior bird; | why not establish TRASH-HS? It could have a regional tournament in | the fall and a national tournament in May or June. | | The high school game has grown in the past few years; starting in | 2003-04, it's time to give the game a push to the big time. | | I only played in 20 matches in high school and I wish I could have | played in many more. We must reach out to the high school programs | to make sure that any student who wants to play can play. These new | tourneys would also help academics in high school and also help the | college game. | | Jason Mueller | President, MU College Bowl | | | To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: | quizbowl-unsubscribe_at_yahoogroups.com | | | | Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/ | | | | To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: quizbowl-unsubscribe_at_yahoogroups.com Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service. --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? HotJobs - Search new jobs daily now [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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