--- walter_shandy wrote:
> Call me selfish, but
okay, you're selfish. *rimshot*
seriously, quizbowl is a team game. 800 points of bonus knowledge is
a great deal of knowledge; meanwhile, against suitably bad
competition it doesn't seem all *that* difficult to get 20 tossups. i
suspect the main reason it hasn't happened is that most good players
usually prefer to play with other good players.
--- In quizbowl_at_y..., tfmichael1 <no_reply_at_y...> wrote:
> And what WAS the deal with
> those babes/entourage/crew he usually brought with him?
this, really, is a MUCH more interesting question than any
speculation about perfect games. babes? entourage? was he a rap
artist or NBA star or something? maybe if i started bringing a posse
with me to tournaments, i could get 19 questions a round. cuz you
know they got my back.
on the other hand, if i somehow did manage to round up attractive
women and bring them to tournaments, it would probably be detrimental
to the scoring averages of most players, myself included.
seriously, this is the first i've heard of this phenomenon. i played
in one tournament (virginia open 1998) where tom was present, and
there didn't seem to be any entourage with him. can somebody *please*
elucidate? these are vital questions.