or, why J.p. shouldn't post stats after midnight (or, really, at all).
So, as Sean was kind enough to point out to me, three teams with
the same record don't constitute a circle of death. In my
mini-conference for 2-7th place, it was indeed possible to determine
an ordering based on record and head to head results. That ordering
is as follows:
2. Wash U 6-4 (3-2) (beat UIUC, NW A)
3. UIUC 6-3 (3-2) (beat NW A)
4. Northwestern A 6-3 (3-2)
5. Indiana 6-4 (2-3) (beat Iowa A, Iowa B)
6. Iowa A 6-4 (2-3) (beat Iowa B)
7. Iowa B 6-3 (2-3)
Where the first set of numbers is the team's overall record, and the
second set is their record among the 2nd-7th place teams. My
sincerest apologies to everyone for this mistake on my part. Once
again full (correct!) stats on the web page soon.