The sixth annual David Scott Hamilton Invitational Tournament, a
tournament for first and second year players, will be held at the
University of Maryland EITHER February 15th OR March 1st. At this
point, the date depends on when ACF Regionals falls. Hopefully, ACF
will announce a definite date for ACF Regionals very soon so I can
announce a definite date for DSHIT VI.
This announcement affects more than those close to College Park
because I want some mirrors of DSHIT. Basically, whatever schools
need to submit packets submit them to me and I do all the editing
centrally. Some probable conditions are as follows and open to
1. The hosts will need to write a small number of clean packets.
2. The tournaments will have to be far enough apart geographically
(at least 500-600 miles apart) so there is no market clashing.
3. The tournaments will have to be held either the same weekend or
the weekend after.
I am looking for prospective mirror sites in the Southeast,
Southwest, West and Midwest. The more hosts there are, the less
upfront writing will be needed. Please email me (dgreens at if you are interested and we will discuss terms.
Thank you,
Daniel Greenstein
Maryland Academic Quiz Team