> --- In quizbowl_at_y..., r2aslet <no_reply_at_y...> wrote:
> > Rice University Quiz Bowl is pleased to announce that it will be
> > hosting its first college tournament on March 22, 2003. Called
> > Rice Acabowl, it will be a humanities/social sciences only NAQT
> style
> > packet submission tournament. (That is, no math or science
> questions
> > whatsoever.) We felt that Rice's position as a well-known
> and
> > engineering university would make it the perfect venue to host
> an
> > event.
No math and science?!?!?!?! Damn, I missed that the first time it
was posted. This is the tournament I've been waiting to play in my
entire qb life...hell, if there was a close mirror, I'd pay $200 to
play in that. (well, not with my own money ;))