This is one of the most brilliant ideas I have heard about ways to improve and expand the circuit. I very much hope other teams will follow Rice's imaginative, innovative, and inspiring leadership in establishing more no-science tournaments. The announcement of this tournament will be, in years to come, regarded as the day quiz bowl left the darkness and depression inherent in that harlot Science in order to enter the beautiful valley of History, Literature, and Art. As Alexander Pope said, "The proper study of mankind is man"- and he didn't mean cell division. Kevin Comer, U. of Florida. --- In quizbowl_at_y..., r2aslet <no_reply_at_y...> wrote: > Rice University Quiz Bowl is pleased to announce that it will be > hosting its first college tournament on March 22, 2003. Called the > Rice Acabowl, it will be a humanities/social sciences only NAQT style > packet submission tournament. (That is, no math or science questions > whatsoever.) We felt that Rice's position as a well-known science and > engineering university would make it the perfect venue to host such an > event. > > The relevant information is as follows: > > Name: The Rice Acabowl: Because Math and Science Suck! > Date: March 22, 2003 > Format: Untimed NAQT style, 10 question rounds > Fee Schedule: $100 base fee per team > -$10 per additional team (i.e. 2nd team base fee $90, 3rd > team base fee $80) > -$10 per working buzzer system (max of 2 per school) > -$10 per experienced moderator (max of 2 per school) > -$30 if packet turned in by Super-Early deadline (December > 21, 2002) > -$15 if packet turned in by Early deadline (January 18, > 2003) > -$0 if packet turned in by Regular deadline (February 1, > 2003) > +$5 per day packet is not submitted after the regular > deadline > Minimum Fee: $50 per team > > Question Distribution: > > History 5/5 > Religion/Myth/Philosophy 4/4 > Social Science (law, economics, anth, sociology, etc.) 4/4 > Fine Arts 4/4 > Literature 4/4 > Your Choice 4/4 > Total: 25/25 > > We are initially limiting the field to 15 teams and will reserve spots > based on whose packets we receive first. Schools may bring a maximum > of three teams. Each team must write a packet which is blind to all > other teams including those from the same school. Each team may have > a maximum of one graduate student. Currently, we plan on running a > round robin among all teams. > > For the Your Choice category, we require that the questions you choose > to write not be science related (unless the scientist you're writing > the question on had some significant humanities/social scientific > achievements). The Your Choice cannot be sports or pop culture > related and should fall under one of the topics listed above. > Questions on current literary, social science, arts, etc. events are > acceptable. You may distribute the Your Choice questions however you > like (9/9 total history questions is fine). We request that you > spread your questions across time periods and geographic areas and > that no more than 25% of your questions have people as answers. > > We are shooting for a NAQT invitational packet level of difficulty. > Approximately 80% of tossups and 50% of bonuses should be answerable > if heard completely. All bonuses should be worth 30 points. No > spelling or FAQTP tossups. Tossups should not exceed 6 lines, bonuses > 15. Creative questions will get you kisses from the packet editor. > All rights reserved. No purchase necessary. 1.5% annual APR. Void > where prohibited. > > We encourage out of state teams to attend and will give them > preference for spots over in-state teams should conflicts occur. > > Interested teams should contact me, el director del torneo, at saslett > at rice dot edu with the words "Rice College Tournament" in the > subject line of the e-mail and indicate whether they would prefer > awards in the form of trophies, cash, or gift certificates. Completed > packets should be sent in .rtf format both to me and VP Michael > Friedman-- mwfriedman at yahoo dot com. > > As we get closer to the tournament date, registrations and additional > tournament info will be posted to our brand-spanking new website: > (still very much a work in progress). > Unlike those for certain other tournaments <cough cough>, we promise > it will be promptly updated. > > --Stephen Aslett
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