The UGA College Bowl team would like to annouce that they are hosting
a Trash style tournament on Saturday, March 29, 2003. The tournament
is packet submission, but all packets should be sent to Eric
Steinhauser and the people at Ironhead Productions for editing. If
you are interested in taking part in our tournament, please feel free
to email the team at Dawgboy30152 at aol dot com or email the UGA
team at Quizdogs at uga dot edu. At this moment I am look for
interested teams and free agents. Over the course of the next few
weeks I will post more concerning prices, discounts, and (hopefully)
hotel information in Athens. If you have any questions, please feel
free to email me at either address mentioned above. For more info on
Ironhead's packet requirements, where to send packets, etc. please
see their website at
Thanks and I hope to see y'all in Athens,