Hi all,
UCR and USC are jointly holding a timed, NAQT tournament on
January 25, 2003 on the UCR campus for colleges and high schools.
Place and time info will be passed on when we figure it out, but I
expect it will begin around 9:30 and end around 6.
The pay schedule is as follows:
Base rate: $85
Second team: -$10
Third team: -$20
Buzzer: -$5
Timer: -$10
Minimum fee: $60
There will be separate college and high school divisions. If we
get enough teams, we'll consider having a HS JV division. If
necessary, we will cap the field and take first teams from a school
over second and third teams from other schools.
If you're interested or have any questions, e-mail me at scottcal
at usc dot edu.
-Scott Callaghan, USC
-Mike Sugar, UCR