On Fri, 06 Dec 2002 05:37:41 -0000, Jason wrote:
> Are there any superstitions that players and/or teams have?
Thinking about this later, I'd be curious to hear from the other regular
tournament organisers on the list what their tournament rituals consist of.
I guess none of my little foibles really count as superstitions, as I don't
necessarily believe bad luck will follow if I break them, but there's
things like:
- Always siting my TD's desk such that I have my back to a corner (basic
- Taking a personal tour of all the rooms as soon as I arrive, going into
each one, putting the lights on and generally "warming the place up";
- Counting all the prizes out at the start of the day so I don't get caught
later on;
- Always wearing something ridiculously brightly-coloured so I can silence
a room just by walking in the door :)
Despite all this, I always make a point of promising teams at the start
that something is bound to go wrong, and I've never yet been in error on
that front...
Rob Linham:
E-mail: rob_linham_at_...
Phone: 07855 079433
Web: http://www.geocities.com/rob_linham
ICQ: 23064118 MSN: rlinham_at_... AOL: RJLinham