Just a reminder to everyone that CCXIII: The Legend of Zwarte Piet will be held on Saturday, Feb. 1, 2003 at Stanford. Since Raj is doing ACF Nationals, I've taken over as TD, and Joon's in charge of editing the packets. The first packet deadline's already passed, so please try to get them written and sent to Joon (pahk at stanford dot edu). If you have any questions, or want to register, email me (wlue at stanford dot edu). A reminder of the packet deadlines: Base fee: $100 Out-of-state teams: -$100 (no other discounts apply) Packet received by 12/1/2002: -$30 Packet received by 12/15/2002: -$20 Packet received by 1/2/2003: -$10 Packet received by 1/15/2003: no penalty Packet received after 1/15/2003: +$50 Buzzers: -$5 per working set Moderators/Officials: -$10 per competent body Minimum Fee (except for those outside CA): $60 I've also copy/pasted Raj's original annoucement below for whoever missed it the first time. Refer to point e below. Thanks, Waynn ======================================= Hi, all. This is the official announcement for CARDINAL CLASSIC XIII: The Legend of Zwarte Piet, a packet submission tournament to be held on Saturday, February 1, 2003 at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. CARDINAL CLASSIC is the West Coast's premier quizbowl event. This announcement is coming out extra early so all you out-of-state teams can begin making your travel arrangements as soon as possible. Last year, CARDINAL CLASSIC hosted teams from as far away as Chicago and Texas and we're expecting a larger, much more diverse field this year. CARDINAL CLASSIC XIII will differ slightly from previous installments. It will be an untimed tournament featuring rounds of 20 TUs. The questions will approximate the ACF Fall Tournament in terms of difficulty, but will approach the NAQT distribution. Just like last year, there will be prizes for several of the top teams, as well as a prize for the best team composed entirely of first- and second-year players (if enough of these teams choose to participate). Individual prizes will also be awarded. CARDINAL CLASSIC is open to teams of all kinds: masters, bastard, collegiate, apocryphal, whatever. We don't care. We just want your money. Speaking of money, the fee structure is as follows: Base fee: $100 Out-of-state teams: -$100 (no other discounts apply) Packet received by 12/1/2002: -$30 Packet received by 12/15/2002: -$20 Packet received by 1/2/2003: -$10 Packet received by 1/15/2003: no penalty Packet received after 1/15/2003: +$50 Buzzers: -$5 per working set Moderators/Officials: -$10 per competent body Minimum Fee (except for those outside CA): $60 Packets: EVERY TEAM MUST SUBMIT A PACKET of questions in order to participate in this tournament. The absolute last deadline to submit a packet (with a $50 penalty) is January 23, 2003. If you need more time after this date, you must make prior arrangements with me. If you feel like you are unable to comply with the packet submission requirement, please get in touch with me ASAP and we'll try to work something out. Each packet must contain 26 toss-ups and 26 bonuses distributed thusly: 5/5 Literature 5/5 Science 5/5 History 3/3 Fine Arts 3/3 Religion, Mythology, Philosophy 3/3 Trash (sports, pop culture, current events, etc.) 2/2 Social Science/Geography Please make sure there is lots of diversity within each major category (e.g. science should contain 1 physics, 1 biology, 1 chemistry, and 2 others from astronomy, math, computer science, etc.). Please follow the ACF guidelines for question writers, which can be found at www.acf-qb.org. TUs should be no more than 5-7 lines of Times New Roman 12-point font (or equivalents). As far as difficulty goes, this tournament should be accessible to everyone. I don't want any canon-expanding material or anything outrageously obscure (i.e. no packets by Anthony De Jesus and Nathan Freeburg). As I stated in last year's announcement, it is much more desirable to have questions on Andrew Jackson and Goethe instead of Peter B. Porter and Klopstock. Please send me an e-mail at rsbhan _at_ hotmail.com if you: a. would like to register for CCXIII b. would like to submit your packet c. have any questions regarding CCXIII d. really miss me e. think Joon Pahk is just too sexy to be real Dude. This tournament is going to be the shiznit. I kizzid you nizzot. If you have any money and any sense of what is right and wrong in the world, you will make an effort to come to CARDINAL CLASSIC XIII: The Legend of Zwarte Piet. I look forward to seeing you all here next February. R. Bhan CCXIII Editor
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