I'm writing to invite everyone to play in a Trivia Challenge Online
game on January 2nd, 2002. As always, the game is free and open to
anyone who wants to download and play. You can learn more about the
game and download it at
Here is the scheduling information:
Date: 1/2/03
Time: 7:30 PM Central
Log-in Begins at 7:00 PM Central
Please stop by for a game - it's always been a lot of fun in the
past. One note - if you downloaded the game before December 5th,
you need to download the patch at the website - there are
instructions you can view from the front page, and the process takes
about 5 minutes. People who have not ever installed the game before
can simply download the normal setup program and install it.
Thank you for your time, and I hope to see you at the TCO game! The
site once again, is
Ben Stewart
E-Mail: admin at trivchal dot com