The Maryland Academic Quiz Team is proud to be hosting the
Mid-Atlantic / Middle East ACF Regional Tournament on Saturday,
February 15, 2003, at the University of Maryland - College Park.
Packet requirements and deadlines are posted in the message: and should be
submitted to Subash Maddipoti.
Fees for this regional are as follows:
Base team fee: $90
Each additional team: -$10 for each
Working buzzers: -$10 for each
Experienced moderator: -$10 for each
Parking: free!
Packet discounts/penalties apply as in Message #10888
Minimum fee per team: $50
Note: Teams that haven't attended ACF Regionals in the past two years
may pay the preset minimum fee.
Teams may register by sending an email to me, preferably as soon as
possible, at cchrz _at_ . If you have any questions about
travel or directions, please ask. We look forward to seeing you
February 15th!
This announcement may also be found at the MAQT Website:
Thank you,
Chris Chrzanowski
MAQT President