This message has been sent from me to officially announce a veritable
knowledge bachannal, a gory, glorious test of academic wills to be
held at the University of Michigan on Saturday, March 22, 2003.
Come play at "The Auspicious Incident!"
Here's the deal: open eligibility/ no question requirement (all of
them will be written by yours truly, Paul Litvak, and Matt Lafer)/ a
guarantee of 12 rounds/ and if you travel more than 600 miles you
play for $20. Otherwise the fee will be $70 with a $10 discount for a
usable buzzer system.
Be advised that this will be a pre-ACF Nationals tourney and as such
the questions will approximate said tournament in difficulty (think
past Chicago Opens for a rough idea of what to expect).
If there is enough clamor I will even whip up a batch of salsa for
the competitors.
To register and or express your love for Paul Litvak's new velour
jump suit email me at (eberdich_at_...).
Hopefully I'll see many of you here in Ann Arbor soon,
Ezequiel Berdichevsky