This is an announcement for the NAQT Western Sectional. It will be
held on February 8, 2003 at the California Institute of Technology.
The location has not been finalized, but it will most likely be in
Baxter Hall, the normal location for our tournaments.
The base fee will be $100, with the following reductions:
-10 For a working lockout buzzer system
- 5 For a working countdown timer readable from three meters away
-15 For a competent reader
-30 For teams beyond the first
Please e-mail us at quizbowl_at_... to reserve your spot (make
sure to tell us the breakdown between D1 and D2 teams). We'll
probably close registration on the 1st of February. We'd also be
willing to give dinner concessions to interested freelance readers.
Jordan Boyd-Graber
Caltech Quiz Bowl