The announcement for the 2003 ACF National Tournament is now
available at
The following is a brief summary of the announcement.
Date: 19 April 2003
Host: Georgia Tech Academic Team
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA
Contact: (GT) Saurabh Vishnubhakat (quizbowl at gatech dot edu)
(ACF) Roger Bhan (rsbhan at hotmail dot com)
Packets: February 17 -$30
March 2 -$20
March 15 -$10
April 1 no penalty
April 7 +$30
April 13 +$60
Packets should be sent to Editor Roger Bhan (rsbhan at hotmail dot
com) as soon as possible. No submissions will be allowed after April
13 without prior arrangements with Roger. Teams that do not submit
packets will be fined $100 or removed from the field altogether at
Roger's discretion.
I am currently negotiating group rates/discounts for attending teams
on travel, lodging, dining, and tourism. I will update these on the
announcement webpage as I go.
Questions, comments, concerns, and advice are always welcome.
Saurabh Vishnubhakat
GT Academic Team
quizbowl at gatech dot edu