To whomever posted right before this
Accusing the officials of "fixing" a tournament is a
serious allegation. I would like to know if you have any
other evidence other than your statistical research. I
agree that the likelihood of what happened happening is
small, but it still can happen. Also, specualting on
what would have happened if Andrew Yaphe was there is
pointless and bad information. To use NFL cliche: "That's
why they play the games!" Upsets will happen, not as
freqently in quizbowl as they do in the NCAA Tournament,
but they do happen.
I feel that you owe the Penn
Bowl staff an apology for your accusations. If you
wish to complain about the distribution, etc., that is
your right, but slandering a team with no hard
evidence (at least none that I have seen yet) is in poor
taste and shows a lack of class.
P.S. I am not affiliated in any way with Penn, and
probably couldn't pick out any member of their team in a