What Phil said. It's always easy to criticize
from a distance. But when you (the person making these
accusations of "fixing") have pulled off a 75-team tournament
without any serious organizational mishaps occuring, THEN
you have a leg to stand on. It's annoyed me for years
how people find the tiny little imperfections in a
tournament and pick on them and trumpet that the tournament
sucked because it wasn't 100% perfect. As far as I've
heard, Penn did a damn good job in running what might be
the largest collegiate invitational ever. While I
can't be certain, I don't think it's likely that Samer
got his boys'n' girls together and said "Hey, let's
screw the good teams! Down with Chicago! heh heh heh".
In 1991, the only time my Penn State team has won
CBI regionals, we lost to GW 445-45 in the round
robin. We beat them 260-165 (I think) in the playoffs.
Almost a 500-point turnaround between two games
involving the same teams in a tournament where the packets
are supposedly carefully standardized: it happens.