I've now used math to make modified predictions for the ICT. The
formula uses SCT stats as follows: Bonus conversion plus 50*(power
per tossup heard) plus 25*(winning percentage) plus 1/2*(opponent
bonus conversion) plus 25*(opponent power per tossup heard).
Here are the predictions.
1. Michigan A 69.381
2. Berkeley A 68.564
3. Yale A 65.042
4. Illinois 61.373
5. Michigan B 58.993
6. Florida 58.654
7. Harvard 57.335
8. Michigan State 55.505
9. MIT 55.234
10. Berkeley B 54.681
11. Rochester 53.322
12. Virginia Commonwealth 53.087
13. Maryland 52.643
14. Emory 50.299
15. Stanford 49.753
16. Michigan C 49.581
17. Iowa State 48.982
18. Carleton 48.799
19. Berkeley C 48.483
20. UCLA 48.373
21. Delaware 46.544
22. Yale B 45.947
23. Oklahoma 44.841
24. Iowa 44.819
25. Princeton 41.780
26. Northwestern 41.272
Note: This prediction does not include host schools, the British
schools, or adjust for roster changes. Any of these or other factors
can change the order of finish.
Jason Mueller