The following teams are considered officially registered for QOTC XI Release 2.1.1 on March 22, 2003: Boston College Bryn Mawr (2) George Washington Maryland Rutgers-Newark Pitt South Carolina Yoknapatawpha CC No, the website's not updated, we don't have an active webmaster right now. There's still a week before the no-penalty deadline, which is effectively "before I leave for DSHIT", so don't feel shy about registering; we'll keep registration open until we hit 16 teams or March 7, whichever comes first. We're also looking for freelance packets and moderators; contributors will be handsomely compensated. The (revised) anouncement: Anyone currently enrolled a *bona fide* degree-granting program is eligible to participate in QOTC. Bastard teams may play, but are not eligible for the championship. Masters teams will most likely be prohibited. The base fee for a school's first team is $100; this includes breakfast and pizza for lunch. B teams are $80, and C, D, etc. teams are $70. The mimimum fee for any team is $50. Discounts/penalties are as follows: - $10 for an experienced moderator - $10 for a *working* buzzer + $10 for an extra pizza (remember, each team already gets one) + $35 for no-shows (except in case of emergencies) The packet deadlines are as follows: Noon Fri Feb 28- no penalty Noon Fri Mar 7- $10 penalty Noon Sat Mar 15- $25 penalty $2 a day afterwards. A teams must submit to play, and B teams are expected to submit as well. C and D teams are not expected to submit, and automatically drop to the minimum if they do. I am willing to grant extensions and dispensations if they are necessary (especially for teams entirely in their first year of non-CBI competition), feel free to ask at cwhite2 at Packet distribution should be approximately as follows; the amount of tossups and boni in specific areas should be equal. The questions should be ACF-style, at or just below ACF Regionals difficulty. Basic guidelines can be found at acf/documents.html Literature- 4 to 6 Science- 4 to 6 History- 4 to 5 Religion, Philosophy, Mythology- 2 to 4 Fine Arts- 2 to 4 Social Sciences- 1 to 3 Trash/ General Knowledge/Sports- 1 to 3 Current Events- 0 to 2 Geography- 0 to 2 Total: 25 Tossups, 25 Boni. Email them to me at cwhite2 [at] swarthmore [dot] edu. A few important notes on the packets: * No computation questions. *Distributions are lenient in order to encourage interdisciplinary questions. Tend towards the middle of the distributions, and be sure to include variety within categories. *Boni format distributions: No all-or-nothing boni, list boni are discouraged. Please inlude 2 to 6 30-20-10 (or 30-20-10-5) boni, and no more than half should be 10-10-10. Variety is strongly encouraged. *Format: Keep categories separated; boni prompts should be marked off simply by a carriage return and the number of points the prompt is worth in square brackets; answers should be marked off by ANSWER: and a space, boldface all essential parts. I look forward to seeing many of you in March! Chris White President, Swarthmore College Bowl
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