(Speaking for myself, of course)
The way I look at it, there are three simple rules for having a good
trash tournament and being a good trash player.
1. There is a difference between trash and crap.
2. The more you read/see/hear, the better off you'll be.
3. The more questions you write, the better off you'll be.
Note that the second and third rules certainly apply for QB in
general, too.
It's the first rule that causes the greatest problems, as the
trash/crap line is not easily defined, especially if you're trying to
make that call in an area you're not familiar with. Trash can also
get dated pretty quick; if you're playing on a pack that's more than
a year old, you may wind up with plenty of questions that seem out of
whack now but were fine then.
As for all the age and who can play at what, I really don't think
it's such an impassable issue. If you think us older players are
mean and enjoy beating up on 18 year olds, do what Princeton did. Or
run a tournament with more than one division. Is someone going to
complain? Probably. But if you've spent more than 4 seconds on this
group, you should have learned that anytime anyone does anything,
someone will complain.