--- In quizbowl_at_yahoogroups.com, gamaliel8 <no_reply_at_y...> wrote:
<<I don't think that's any cause for apology. The 5-10-15 bonus is
ill-designed, and I was under the impression that it was rapidly
going the way of the list bonus, one-part bonus, etc. (I'm fairly
sure Penn Bowl didn't use them this year.)>>
That's not quite true: I didn't completely eradicate them, but I re-
cast the vast majority of them as 10-10-10s, especially when the 15s
were of the hard to nearly impossible variety; on average there were
one or two per packet. I would have no qualms with using more of them
if they were of the appropriate difficulty.
I agree with Nate and Matt that the best use of a 5-10-15 is for a
bonus where there would be too many 20s if it were written as a 10-10-