With only six teams in attendance, Region 3 featured a double round-
robin, with a fire alarm in between rounds 5 & 6, and a four team
double elimination playoff.
After the round robin, the standings were:
U of Delaware 10-0
Columbia U 8-2
Villanova U 5-5
SUNY - Stony Brook 4-6
Rutgers - Newark 3-7
Essex County Coll 0-10
In the playoffs,
1 Delaware over 4 Stony Brook
2 Columbia over 3 Villanova
1 Delaware over 2 Columbia
3 Villanova over 4 Stony Brook (SUNY-SB eliminated)
2 Columbia over 3 Villanova ('Nova eliminated)
2 Columbia over 1 Delaware (playoff series even 1-1)
2 Columbia over 1 Delaware (UD eliminated)
The top scorer in the tournament was Roger Craig for Delaware with
63.00 PPG, followed by Villanova's John Dawson (27.50), and
Columbia's Dan Boylan (24.38).
Congratulations to Columbia University in winning their first CBI
Region 3 Championship.