<<I'm a bit more bothered by the premise to begin with
-- the very existence of a final... as far as I'm
concerned, if DePauw is two games ahead of ND in the
overall standings, and they're 2-0 against them, THEY
WIN. That's it. Simple, no? (I may be a bit biased
here, as BU was stuck having to play a third game
against Brandeis despite being in a similar situation.
We won, but I remember being well prepared to
complain mightily and verbosely in the event that
they managed the comeback.) >>
Ah, but "the NFL doesn't cancel the Super Bowl if the
Giants are ahead in the standings." (CBI Nationals,
2001). Remember, there is no such thing as "fairness"
or "concern for the players"--all decisions must be
made based on irrelevant sports analogies and concern
for a non-existent television audience. Such is
College Bowl.
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