>The teams in a round robin must basically treat every game like it
>is the championship game, which creates a lot of scoreboard
>watching, which is essentially wasted because there's no way of
>knowing which game is the game to watch, the pivot game, *the game
>that decides the championship*. I don't think this is cool.
Wow...you're joking right...this is some sort of ironic satire (yes,
I'm conflating the two) which I'm missing because I don't know you,
please tell me that's the case....
I can't think of everything more exciting or more pertinent to the
game than to treat every game like it matters. Nothing is more
respectful both to the game and to one's opponents then to treat
each match as a championship match...what can be a better test of a
champion then for them to have to attain and retain a high level of
play over an entire tournament (and indeed, exciting)--and you
prefer one hit wonders?