It seems that the consensus is that round robins is the only good way
to determine the champion of a tournament. Or maybe the consensus is
just getting on my case and implying that if the whole world followed
my logic, then I wouldn't be playing quiz bowl for Arkansas. My
calculator may be malfunctioning, but that's what I got when I added
it up.
Tigers don't eat words, and neither will I. But I will concede this
argument to the round-robin/quick-sort-algorithm side on the premise
that round robins do determine the best team in the most fair way.
(After all, it's not whether you win or lose, it's making sure the
best team wins the tournament, right?)
Though these arguments are in a way good for the game, maybe I'm just
conceding to get people to follow my lead and shut the [edited for
content] up. This is "left as an exercise to the reader," as if I am
called out again, I will respond, and I won't edit anything for
content. (Sorry, kids.) Hopefully at this point, people will send
replies of a personal nature to my e-mail address, especially if
their address is on the same server as mine.
Long live the round robin.
--Josh, P. t. altaica