Stephen, Thanks for your response. I'm getting several e-mails concerning this issue, and so far, yours is the only one that believes that CC should count... I would like to say that the Berry Tournaments that I competed in (1999 and 2000) might have been in the same format (20 Tossups/Bonuses) that we play now, but the caliber of questions (and competition, for that matter) was completely a different universe. If you're going to use the "same format" criteria, then I played this format in 7th grade at our county tournament, but I hardly think that should count... Please don't think that I'm trying to be obstinate, I'm not at all. But I do have to disagree with you... I say that if Community College experience counts, then so should CBI. I've been to CBI's RCT this year, and the competition (and even the format) was much more akin to what we do now than anything I did in Community College. What I really would like is to hear from Charlie on this... He's the one who needs to decide about Moon Pie, as well as most of our tournaments we will be going to next year. Thanks, -Lee --- In, Stephen Taylor <stephen_taylor_qb_at_y...> wrote: > > Lee, > First, let me make it clear that I have no jurisdiction in deciding the matter, as I do not direct any tournaments. But if I did, and if the eligibility rule for the tournament in question was as you describe, my position would be that having played at the Berry tournament would, in fact, count. The point isn't whether or not you've faced higher-level teams, nor is it the degree of difficulty of the questions per se, but whether or not you've played in this format at the collegiate level. > And some of those Alabama CCs are pretty strong--Bevill State to name one. > Stephen Taylor > Coach, Macon State College > "quizbowllee2 <scholarsbowl_at_h...>" <scholarsbowl_at_h...> wrote: > 1) Most tournaments limit Division II eligibility to players in > their first 2 years of "Intercollegiate Competition" (such as > Charlie's post about Moon Pie). However, it is also stated that CBI > experience does not count because it is so far-removed from the > ACF/NAQT level. My question is: Does Community College experience > count? I did play 2 years at Snead State CC in Alabama. However, > we played only other Community College teams within our own state. > We only played out-of-state teams at a Berry Invitational and at a > CBI - sponsored event in Florida. The questions used in our > Community College league were no where near the caliber used in the > 4-year tournaments that we have gone to this year. > > > --------------------------------- > Do you Yahoo!? > Yahoo! Tax Center - forms, calculators, tips, and more > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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