I'm going to disagree with your take on the caliber of questions
> for the Berry College Two-Year Tournament, Lee. My Valencia teams
> competed with your Snead St. team there, and we've been there
> times.
- I just wanted to make it clear that by "caliber" I was referring
to the difficulty, not the quality of the questions.
I also want to say that, while you disagree, I know that at no time
at the Berry 2-Year tournament did I scratch my head in utter
bewilderment over what was being asked. I could at least make an
educated guess... However, even at COTKU, there were times where I
just had no clue what the moderator was talking about... I believe
that the problem is lack of experience on this much harder
circuit... a problem that I plan to extinguish with a couple of
years (one more after this one) learning the ropes in Div. II...
Another reason that I posed this question is because we have
recruited a few players for next year from the Alabama CC circuit...