The Maryland Academic Quiz Team is running a high school tournament
the first weekend of May. We are looking for a few good men (or
women) to write some packets.
The distribution:
5/5 Literature
5/5 History
5/5 Science
2/2 Fine Arts
2/2 Trash
1/1 Religion, Mythology, Philosophy
1/1 Geography
1/1 Social Science
1/1 Current Events
23/23 total
Make the questions easy. Consider the two last-place teams playing
each other; please allow them the opportunity to score a combined 250
We will give you a collegiate packet set (2002 TIT, 2002 or 2003
DSHIT, or whatever else we have in stock) in exchange for turning in
a packet by Sunday, April 13th.
If you turn in your packet by Tuesday, March 25th at 11:59 pm EST,
you will be compensated with TWO packet sets. Obviously, you will be
getting twice as much bang for your effort. Imagine, two packet sets
just for writing an average of six high school questions a day for
the next eight days.
Please let me know ASAP if you want to engage in this excellent deal.
Daniel Greenstein
Email: dgreens at