I'm looking for questions written in the ACF style for an
upcoming HS tournament. I need 'em with answers that are pretty easy,
at least by the end of the question, even by high school standards.
Anyone who writes a total of 12 original questions on one or more of
the topics below, and gets them to me by Wed. evening 3/19 around 8
PM, will receive a full tournament (your choice HS, college or trash)
in return. These will need to be blind to teams at our parallel
events at Iowa, Florida, and Case Western, and the one Gaius Stern is
running in the Bay Area. I need tossups slightly more than boni but
will take whichever; ideally I'd take 7/5.
General science incl. earth science and all that HS stuff
U.S. history
World history, both modern and not-so-modern, but not ancient
Religion & philosophy
Literature (except classics)
[I think we're OK on biology, myth, art, classical music, and
general knowledge, but I won't turn 'em down. And we're definitely
OK on math, computer science, and pop culture.)
E-mail me at steinhic [at] bellsouth [dot] net if interested.