I have to second this. The Auspicious Incident was an incredibly enjoyable tournament. The questions were outstanding and the competition was stiff. Mad props to Ezequiel, Paul, Matt, Ben and everyone else who contributed. The questions were definitely on the difficult side, but by no means unreasonably so. As a matter of fact, I think they were a great mix of accessible TUs and challenging bonuses. There was just enough hard material to keep it interesting and keep one learning, while not completely alienating the field (except maybe the entirely ignorant or virtually inexperienced, but I believe everyone in the latter category was appropriately warned, and I don't really give a damn about the former). I think the best part of the tournament was getting to hear questions on relatively important things that don't come up often enough or at all. The TUs on "The Pilot" and "Elective Affinities" were particularly interesting. I think this is the best kind of canon expansion and I hope others pick up on this trend. Finally, I must thank my teammates Joon Pahk, Seth Teitler, and Jeff Hoppes for letting me ride their coattails all day. May Shiva smile upon you all. Shantih shantih shantih... R. Bhan --- In quizbowl_at_yahoogroups.com, james_g_blaine_4prez <no_reply_at_y...> wrote: > I want to thank the fine folks at Michigan for a great tournament. > Quality questions and quality competition made for some great > quiz bowl, and it was nice to meet and play people I normally see > maybe once a year. > > -Seth
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