--- In quizbowl_at_yahoogroups.com, jpahk <no_reply_at_y...> wrote:
it's fun to be a part of
> a well-balanced team.
I would like to second this sentiment and thank my teammates for
getting DePauw its first ever win this weekend. While none of us
averaged over 30 ppg (except for Jonathan, who only played 4
rounds), it was the balance of the team and the camaraderie that
made the difference. Also thank you to Wichita State for FANTASTIC
competition (also a very well balanced team) and especially to Vic
for the Name That Tune round, which was great fun. Also, I think
both Oklahoma and Oklahoma State deserve some props. Oklahoma was
certainly on par with both teams that finished ahead of it (we lost
twice to them, as well). I can't think of a tourney I've played in
where the top 3 teams were as closely matched as this weekend.
Also, DePauw wishes Oklahoma State the best of luck in building its
program. Lenzy and crew played bravely and certainly gave us a run
for our money in the third game we played (coming down to the last
Stan J.