Hi, all,
I'll be briefer than usual, since much appropriate sentiment has been
expressed already-- 1) It's so much more fun to have a full team
(thanks to ISU for letting me play on their team for AI). 2) This was
the 3rd hardest tournament I've attended, and I think it will do
everyone right in preparing for ACF Nationals. A high enough value
for the developing player cannot be placed on the AI questions, thus
I think the decision to hold on to them until after Nationals will
turn out to be wise. Again, kudos to the authors. 3) I'll apologize
now for my attitude during the 1-2 packets that left me sitting
almost motionless--That happens at every tournament, and has much
more to do with my own (perhaps twisted) preferences for answers and
the preparedness of the opposite team than the quality of the
questions themselves, which really was superb. 4) I think those
offered were the best or really close to the best prizes for a
tournament I've ever been to (sorry CalTech, I still use that Linus
Pauling mug from Technophobia 4).
I'll see everyone at Nationals.
--Wesley (still amazed at the ability of any one team (or one person)
to write an entire tournament)