Sorry, one more added comment. While I thought the questions were a
very good NAQT set, there were a number of tossups which had lead-ins
which were too easy for the topic. One which springs to mind at the
moment was a Foucault's Pendulum tossup whose opening 3 words were the
3 main characters in the book. [[Well, the opening 4 words, if you
include the "and."]] There were a few such questions. But overall I
thought it was a good NAQT set.
--Raj Dhuwalia again, UF
P.S. My thanks to whoever wrote the Otto von Guericke tossup. I've
used him as a bonus part once or twice, and as a clue for bonuses on
Magdeburg or the Magdeburg spheres demonstration a couple times, so I
(if no one else) was glad to hear someone else write about the guy.