Joon wrote:
> while we're on the subject, i'm unhappy with the ICT tossup on the
> larson (larsson? larsen?) ice shelf. not because it was about a non-
> ross ice shelf, but because it mentioned "this ice shelf" before
> saying "ross," thereby awarding the winner of a buzzer race in
> practically every room with a -5. you can't write questions
> explicitly to hose people. that's bad writing.
That's on me, though I honestly didn't intend for it to be a hose.
As of when I wrote it, the Larsen shelf's breakup was getting pretty
good news coverage.
(There may have been a Div II question that same round with very
similar clues but with the answer "ice shelf" or "Antarctica.")
In any case I agree with nearly all of Joon's post here. I don't
think the rest of this thread really reflects people's typical
experiences with NAQT questions, which might have been part of why
the "return from Bath" reference drew complaints in the first place.