I agree that writing questions helps to make you a
better player, and gives some valuable insight into
how an outsider to the field. I for one hate writing
econ questions, knowing nothing about it. Of course,
experts also add valuable views about what's obscure
to experts in the field and what's not. Might I
suggest this strategy- if you're not an expert, run it
by someone who is. Even if they're not on the team, a
dormmate could probably tell you what's common
knowledge in the field and what's not. Chances are if
you're an expert, you have a good sense of what's
common knowledge and what you've learned to be less
well-known, though the same strategy of running the
question or clues by another person of a different
level could still apply. Of course, when you're
writing the packet the day before it's due...
-Dan Blim =)
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