> What would your ideal format for the ICT be?
I thought that the DII format was pretty fairly devised. I like the
idea of seeding rounds with better teams winding up in harder
brackets and playing each other while the medium-level teams play
each other and so on down the line. That's the way Penn Bowl did
their brackets this year, and I thought it worked well there. That
way you avoid the problem of a team numerically finishing higher
than a better team by playing against weaker opposition (no slight
intended to Maryland) since all the best teams play each other. You
do often run into tiebreaker difficulties (in one bracket there was
a 5-way tiebreaker to see who would get into the "Wooden" top
playoff bracket), but from watching at least a couple of the
tiebreakers, they seemed to turn out mostly with the better team
going through.