Cornell University will hold the 2003 Big Red Royal Rumble on either
Saturday, October 4th or Saturday, October 18th, 2003. As usual, it
will be a packet-submission tournament, modified ACF style. If your
team is interested in attending, or if you would be interested in a
freelance/packet exchange, please contact me. Also, please tell
which possible date you'd prefer.
Additionally, Cornell is planning to hold a high school NAQT
tournament, hopefully on November 22nd, 2003. If anyone in the
northeast or midatlantic is planning a high school tournament for
that date, please let me know about it. Also, if any colleges are
planning on holding a tournament on either October 4th or October
18th, please let me know ASAP. My email is smf38_at_..., or
scottmfran_at_..., if you prefer.
Scott Francis, CAQO