So how about some more detailed results? Everyone who runs a high
school state championship seems to post their results or reproduce
them here very shortly after the event. One shouldn't have to ask to
see the results in order to instigate their posting. It makes me
wonder if stats were even taken, given UC Irvine's past inability to
find a computer.
Also Irvine: either update your website or do a little more PR work
on getting word out about the tournament especially since it gets a
splattering of a mention on NAQT's page. You might have had one or
two northern california teams there (Bentley) because they've gone on
a regular basis. It would be in your interest as well as NAQT's to
get the word out to more schools. If you don't know how, then e-mail
someone and ask about how to get more contacts. Just some suggestions
for the future in the interest of better administrative competence.
If the results were e-mailed to NAQT, could NAQT possibly post them
either here or on their webpage?
That'd be great.
Ross Ritterman