hmm... 979? if this means what i think it does, then aren't you a
borderline dinosaur yourself?
On Tue, 22 Apr 2003, matt979 wrote:
> --- In, Jim Puls <jpuls_at_a...> wrote:
> > Perhaps I'm just blinded by how incredibly good of a tournament
> > TRASHionals was, but I'd say that any major changes would be
> overkill.
> Not much to say on the dinosaur issue but I wanted to repeat for
> emphasis the opinion (which I share) that TRASHionals was incredibly
> well-run.
> Matt
> (I read. Was sorely tempted to join the two-player Berkeley team but
> that would have been awfully ungrateful given how many nights of
> crash space Mark Coen gave me.)
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