> hmm... 979? if this means what i think it does, then aren't you a
> borderline dinosaur yourself?
Not even borderline: I'm four years and six months older than you
think I am.
(979 came from a <a href="http://www.matchmaker.com">web site</a>
that used to assign people usernames by appending random digits to
first names; maybe it still does that)
I almost never play but I try to avoid ever claiming that a given
tournament is my last. (Making that claim is a good way to jinx it;
also, it's the sort of thing far fewer people care about than the
person making the claim would think.)
Rather, I write questions; belong to (but avoid speaking for) NAQT;
try to stay in touch with old friends from the game; and eventually
get blamed for everything that's wrong with quiz-bowl. :-)
In other words, like a dinosaur except with the failed attempt to
keep a low profile.